Saturday, November 27, 2010

Being an old duck with many little ducks , Seven of my owen and added from extended relationships I have had many Thanksgivings. This one at my old age of 79 has been one of the best I ever had. WHY? well, it is because it was a gathering of my family, some that had been lost for many years due to the normal mixed family problems that a lot of us know. Some couldn't be there due to distance of states where we live. That was fixed with a magic telephone call of one of my favorite daughters from the extended family. I couldn't love her more it she were from one of my own births. Love you SO much Betty. You will always have a special place in my heart.
After we all had a grand Thanksgiving dinner some of us ventured out to see the Black Friday sales. Ended up in a thrift show and Demetris spotted a beautiful picture of an owl. I have a front room with my mom's art of Indian work and we decided it would be perfect to add to my Indian pictures done by my mother. After looking up the author Demetris discovered it is a collector item. It was done by Dennis Curry and is of an owl. One of many wildlife pictures. I cleaned it very carefully and hung it on my Indian wall this morning. Demetris, this will be yours again someday when I decide it is time for the long rest. Your name is on the back for you to be the owner again someday. Thanks for this wonderful memory. I Love you. And Thanks to my baby son for making this happy gathering possible at your home. Love you and all the rest of my big family. Thanks for the best Thanksgiving ever.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Rescued Kitten....Miss Priss

This is another of the rescued kittens. She was named Princes in the beginning but her personality made me change that. She is now Miss Priss. A very pressy little girl that has to investagate everything. Here she is watching the fish. Wondering if they would make a good lunch. For some reason that is the best water to drink in the world. LOL
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My Beautiful rescue kitten Boots. Love of my life. Oct 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Native Woman and card to match Nov.2,2010

Newest Gourd and card to match.  If anything sells at the show I will be able to add this to the things already there.  We can keep 10 showing so if any sell more can be added.  I went to check out how they were going to present things for the show but nothing had been started.  Seems to be a bit unorginized.  I offered to go help if they needed someone extra for putting things out.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gads, when the wheels get going I don't know how to stop. The outside trim was harder than any of the rest to get JUST RIGHT. So much fun to find things to work with that have been hid for eons. It's like Xmas way ahead of time.
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